November 1, 2021:
New American Champion Laureate Marilyn Merlot! Merlot finishes with her
second Specialty major and is the 8th American Champion for her dam, MBPIS
Am/Can Ch Laureate Red Red Wine ROM/ROMC, and her third to finish this year.

It's now MBISS Am/Can Ch Laureate
Overture! Sonia wins two Specialties in Virginia. Thank you judges Joanne
Chaplek and Bob Olsen. She is sired by Am/Can Ch Laureate Opus One x Ch
Laureate Siena (Invincible daughter)

New Canadian Champions
It's now Ch Laureate Hopscotch, Ch
Laureate Heavenly, Ch Lynphil Laureate Advantage and Ch
Lynphiil Laureate Mischievous. Thank you Kim Wendling for finishing the last
two who are co-bred and co-owned with Lynphil.
New Champion Laureate Unapologetic (co-bred by
Anne Brazeau)
New Champion Laureate I Knew It
Merlot picks up a 5 point Specialty
major in Michigan! Thank you judge Meredith Hector.

August 21, 2021: "Diamond" win
Reserve Best in Show! Thank you SydneyRobinson, judge Cheryl Patterson and
congratulations to owner Kenji Shigi!

June 2021: New American Ch Laureate Simply
Simon (pictured)
New American Ch Laureate Fan Favourite
New American Ch Laureate Vintages
Thank you judges and thank you handlers Sydney
Robinson and Kim Wendling.

New ROM!
"JP" has earned the coveted ROM designation with
two new American Champions finishing this weekend!
Who Knew ROM/ROMC 3 x AOM
Ch Heartlake Pajamagram
Ch Laureate Indeed
Ch Laureate You Know Who
Ch Masterpiece Iconic
Ch Triumph Lanstarr Party Girl
Ch Lanstarr Triumph Efficiency
GCh Lanstarr Kaskade's Celtic Dream
Ch Lanstarr's Squire Tanner O'Boyle Of Triumph
Ch Lynphil Laureate Chandelier
Ch Jesstar Sicily
Thank you fellow breeders and exhibitors that
contributed to his title!

New American Champion
Lynphil Laureate Chandelier!
"Crystal" picks up two five
point Specialty majors. Thank you Kim Wendling for handling our girl and
Sydney for helping out. She is co-owned and co-bred with Lynphil Shelties.
Sired by Who Knew out of Lynphil Collateral Beauty.

MBISS Am/Can Ch Laureate
Diamond Is Forever!
is now a multiple Best in Speciaty Show winner, winning four of the
Specialties this weekend! Thank you Sydney for your outstanding
presentation. Thank you judges, Mary Benedict, Charlotte Tull-Swinson, Laura
LaBounty and Lisa Brodsky.
Congratulations to owner Mr. Kenji Shigi.

Laureate SImply Simon and
Laureate Diamond Is Forever
"Simon" picks
up two 5 point Specialty majors!
Co-bred and co-owned with Anne
Brazeau, Velvetfog Shelties

2021 ASSA American National
Our first show back
since Nov 2019 exceeded our wildest expectations. After being away for so
long, and only having trained our dogs at home, we are honored to have won
among the highest awards from all four National judges. Thank you Sydney
Robinson for all your hard work preparing our dogs for the National.
Best in Futurity!

Laureate SImply Simon
By Vinnie x Solo (JP x Lana)
Thank you handler Kim Wendling
for grooming and showing Simon to 1st place in the 9-12 dog class, and
Jessica Starbuck-Russell for handling Simon in finals!
Thank you judge Mr. Mark Hersman
for the honor!
Co-bred and co-owned with Anne
Brazeau, Velvetfog Shelties

Runner-Up to Best in Futurity!

Laureate Moira Rose
By JP x Ashley (Vinnie x Alicia)
Thank you Sydney Robinson for
training, grooming and handling Moira to 1st place in the 6-9 bitch class
and to Runner Up in Futurity. Thank you judge Mr. Mark Hersman for the honor!

Reserve Winners Dog!
Laureate Simply Simon
By Vinnie x Solo (JP
x Lana)
Thank you handler Kim Wendling
for grooming and showing Simon to 1st place in the 9-12 dog class, and
Sydney Robinson for handling Simon to RWD. Thank you judge Ms. Sandra
MacIntosh-Ferret for the honor!
Co-bred and co-owned with Anne
Brazeau, Velvetfog Shelties

Winners Bitch and Best of Winners!
NEW Am/Can Ch Laureate
Diamond Is Forever
By Vinnie x Jackie (Sage x Christie)
"Diamond" is the 25th
American Champion for her sire MBIS/MBISS Am/Can GCH Laureate Invincible
Thank you judge Ms. Jo Ann Pavey
for Winners Bitch and judge Mrs. Patricia Skinner for Best Of Winners!
Thank you Sydney Robinson for
your loving presentation of your best buddy, "Diamond". It was a joy to
Thank you Kate Hynes for showing
Diamond to Best of Winners
Owned by Kenji Shigi (Kiriko
Collies and Shelties, Japan)

Award of Merit!
Am/Can Ch Laureate Magnified,
AOM 2021
By Vinnie x Syrah (Mac x Red)
Handled to perfection by Kim
Wendling. "Magnum" was one of the top four males selected by judge Mrs.
Patricia Skinner.

Award of Merit!
Am/Can Ch Laureate Opus One,
AOM 2021
By Mac x Red
"Opus" also made it to the top
four males! Thank you handler Sydney Robinson for your outstanding
presentation, and thank you judge Mrs. Patricia Skinner for the honor.

Award of Merit!
MBISS Am/Can Ch Laureate Insignia,
AOM 2021, BOW 2019
By Vinnie x Red
Breeder-owner handled by Pete!
Thank you judge Mrs. Patricia Skinner for the honor.

Multiple class wins and placements in both Futurity
and Regular classes
1st- 6-9 month Puppy Dog:
Laureate Vintages
1st 9-12 month Puppy Dog:
Laureate Simply Simon
1st 6-9 month Puppy Bitches:
Laureate Moira Rose
1st 9-12 month Puppy Bitches:
Lynphil Laureate Mischievous

1st 6-9 month
Sable Puppy Dogs: Laureate Vintages
1st 9-12 month
Sable Puppy Dogs: Laureate Simply Simon

1st 6-9 month
Sable Puppy Bitches: Laureate Moira Rose
2nd Novice
Bitches: Laureate Licorice
3rd Novice
Bitches: Lynphil Laureate Mischievous

2nd Bred-By
Exhibitor Bitches: Can Ch Laureate Meiomi

1st Open Sable
Bitches: Can Ch Laureate Diamond Is Forever
Thank you handlers Kim Wendling
and Sydney Robinson for your expert presentation. We could not have done it
without you!
Thank you judges Mr. Mark
Hersman (Futurity), Mrs. Sandy McIntosh-Feret (Males), Ms Jo Ann Pavey
(Females) and Mrs. Patricia Skinner (Specials)
