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We have had many great moments in the dog fancy.
Here are some of highlights.

The "firsts" are always special...first point, first Champion, first Best in Show, etc.  We'll begin with our firsts:

Am/Can Ch. Krystalyn Just An Illusion, ROM/ROMC

"Holly" was our foundation bitch as well as our first Canadian Champion Sheltie.  She gave us our first U.S. major at her first weekend out Stateside.   Her most significant contribution was as a producer...she is the first and only ROM/ROMC bitch in Canada.  She was an ASSA Top Producing Dam as well.


Am/Can Ch. Westwind The Poet Laureate (9 Ch's)

"Robbie" gave us several "firsts".  He gave us our first National class placement, and it was a thrilling win that came as a complete surprise as he didn't have the maturity of the other competitors.  Robbie was our first Best of Breed winner and he also won a U.S. major at his first U.S. show and was our first American Champion!  He was a fun and delightful little dog.

"Sparkle" was our first Best in Show winner.  Pete campaigned Sparkle in 1995 and she became the first Sheltie in either Canada or the U.S. to top the Herding Group (Number One Conformation for the year)!   She was a multiple Best in Show winner and a multiple Best in Specialty Show winner, a Canadian National Specialty Best of Breed winner and an American National Specialty Award of Merit winner.  She was a delight to show and our sweet beloved friend.

BIS/BPIS Am/Can Ch. Laureate Laredo, ROMC

"Dallas" was our first Best Puppy in Specialty Sweepstakes winner.  He won his first Best in Sweeps win at exactly six months of age, pictured above with judge Carol Howell.  His next show he won again, this time over 70 puppies!  At his next two Specialties, he won again, bringing his undefeated string to four U.S. Specialty Best In Sweeps.  He was also our first Best Puppy in Show winner, winning under noted judge Michelle Billings.

Dallas then went on to finish his U.S. Championship with three back to back majors, two at Specialties.  He was a Best in Show winner and despite being out of coat, placed 3rd at the Invitational "Show of Shows"...a first for us!


Am/Can Ch. Laureate Search Party and littermate
BIS/BISS Am/Can Ch. Laureate Starlight Express.

"Hannah" and "Sparkle" were from our very first Sheltie litter.  At their first show as adults in the U.S., they won a five-point Specialty Winners and Reserve at the Western Massachusetts Specialty in 1991.  This was a tremendous thrill as it was our first Specialty major win and the judge was a breeder whose dogs we admired greatly.  Pictured with Sparkle is our good friend, Lyn Krivanek.



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