Nov 11, 2017: Laureate
Opus One attends his first show and picks up Best in Sweeps under Lyn
Krivanek and a
three point major under judge Judy Kelsey! He repeated his wins the
following day under Stephanie Winters and Barbara Kenealy.

Laureate K Syrah Syrah
wins a 3 point major reserve and was twice Runner-up in Sweeps.
These two cuties are
sired by Am/Can Ch Laureate Macadamia x MBPIS Can Ch Laureate Red Red Wine.
"Red" picks up her
third major under judge Barbara Kenealy

August 2017: We
finished the very beautiful Vinnie son, Am Ch Vision's Allure Love for
owner/breeder Gough Gao, Vision Shelties, China. He is Invincible's
thirteenth Canadian Champion!
We finished the
Championship on Laureate Radiance! (Mac x Flicka) She is our tenth Canadian
Champion for 2017
July 30, 2017: It's
now Champion Laureate Siena...thank you judge Mr Sandy Gunn! Siena is
Vinnie's 12'th Canadian Champion and Determination's 3rd.
JP continues his
winning ways with multiple Group 1st.
July 25, 2017: JP wins
back to back Best in Specialty at the Granite Ridge SSC. Thank you
judges Hector and Meredith Hector!
July 3, 2017: At the
Bobcaygeon and Kawartha KC show weekend we finished two new Champions...New
Ch Laureate Importance of Being (Ernie) and new BPIS Ch Laureate La La Land
(Tootsie)! Tootsie was the 11th Champion for MBIS/MBISS Am/Can GCh Laureate
Invincible, ROMC
MBIS/MBISS Am/Can Ch Laureate Who Knew continues his winning streak and
wins another Best In Show, and 4 Group 1st, 2 Group 2, 1 Group 3 and
1 Group 4th.

June 23, 2017: New
American Champion! Our fifth for the year...

It is now Am/Can Ch
Laureate Spaghetti Western! Yay...Getty-Spaghetti!

It's now American Champion
Laureate Inevitable! "Evan" finished with three majors at 10 months of age.
Thank you Krissy Thompson for your handling!
Laureate Spaghetti Western picks up a 4
point major bringing her to 13 points US!
Ch Laureate Indomitable wins a 4 point
major under judge Melanie Williams!
MBISS Am GCh/ BIS Can GCh Laureate
Who Knew, AOM wins Best in Specialty at the Colonial SSC Specialty under
judge Mark Lucas! He also wins a huge Group 1st at Ladies KC under Mr.
Christopher Tilghman Neale.
We have two new Canadian Champions!
It's now Champion Laureate Spaghetti Western! "Getty" and a Canadian
Championship for American Grand Ch Laureate Vignette!
Laureate Importance of Being goes WD x 2
to bring him to 5 points and Laureate Siena wins WB/BW (x2) and a Best Puppy
in Group to give her 6 points.

BIS Can GCh Laureate Who Knew, AOM wins four Group 1st, two Bests In
Show, a Runner-Up to Best in Show at the Kingston Dog Show bringing him from
unranked to Number ONE Sheltie in just two weekends of shows!
May 23, 2017: Lots of news to report...
At the Hochelaga KC show
MBISS Am/Can GCh Laureate Who Knew wins BEST IN SHOW! Thank you
judge Mrs. Bonnie Derry! Also "Getty", Laureate Spagetti Western picks up 7
points to bring her to nine.
New Champion Laureate
Incandescent! Thank you Sydney Robinson for showing and to co-owner Jenny
At the Tantramar KC in Nova Scotia,
Laureate Inevitable, "Evan" flies to his Championship in three shows,
winning 2 Group 2nd and a Best in Group as well as 3 Best Puppy in Show
awards! Evan was expertly handled to these wins by the talented Sydney

While out west, it is now Champion Weeskelf Laureate Dream On! Ty finishes with a group 1st handled by co-owner
Michelle Rogowski. Thank you Sue Caillier for sharing this lovely boy
with us!
May 15, 2017: We return from a fabulous
weekend at the TriState and Western Massachusetts Specialties.

It is now MBISS/MBPIS Am/Can GCh
Laureate Who Knew, "JP" wins back to back Specialties. Thank you judges Jo
Ann Pavey and Al Bianchi.

Back to back specialty majors for
Laureate Spaghetti Western!

It's now American Champion
Laureate Vignette! "Netta" wins her third major under judge Liz Bianchi and
Select bitch under Jo Ann Pavey, her first time out as a Special.
Congratulations to owner Kenji Shigi.

Laureate Indomitable!

Thank you Sydney
Robinson for your expert handling. Domenic finished his first weekend

2017 ASSA National Specialty

MBIS/MBISS Am/Can GCH Laureate Invincible!
"Vinnie" wins the Best of
Breed at the American National, in an entry of 640 Shelties, with 171

BEST in FUTURITY, also 1st 6-9 months
sable& white dogs: Laureate Importance Of Being

AWARD OF MERIT: Am/Can GCh Laureate Who

1st 12-18 month Sable & white, also
pulled for consideration for WB
1st 12-18 months Futurity: Laureate Vignette

1st Bred By Exhibitor Dogs: Laureate

2nd 6-9 months Futurity and 2nd 6-9 mo
sable & white: Laureate Siena

2nd 6-9 month Futurity Dogs, also 2nd
Novice Dogs: Laureate Indomitable
Special thank you to Sydney Robinson who helped in every way; we couldn't have
done it without you!
Also many thanks to Sondra Mauzy for grooming Vinnie to perfection!

March 22, 2017: Catching up from the
successful weekend down in Maryland.
Best in Specialty Show (x 3!!!)
MBPIS/MBPISS Am/Can GCh Laureate Invincible under judges Sue Healy, Sue
Christie and Denise Cornelssen!

New American Champion title for
BPIS Can Ch Laureate Sweet Thing! Thank you judge Melanie Williams for
finishing her in style with BW/BOS over specials. (Pictured at 7 months
finishing her Can title)

Importance of Being wins a 4 and a 3 point major at his very first
Laureate Inevitable wins a 3 point major

March 10, 2017: New
American Champion Laureate Cloak
and Dagger! Congratulations and big thank you to co-owner Amy Zoss-Massey
and handler Debbie Walker!
February 3, 2017:
MBPIS/MBPISS Am/Can GCh Laureate Invincible begins the year with a Group
1st under noted movement judge Michel Chaloux and wins Group 1st at the
Herding Specialty under Breeder-judge
Jo Ann Pavey!

Year in Review, 2016. Canada's Top
Sheltie Puppy, #1 in the Herding Group,
Am/MBPIS Can Ch Laureate Who Knew plus the following:
