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These Shelties have distinguished themselves as being some of the breed's top producers. 
They have obtained the coveted ROM* or ROMC* titles.

Our foundation

Am/Can Ch. Krystalyn Just An Illusion, ROM/ROMC

 Dam of six American and 11 Canadian Champions.  She has left a lasting legacy.


BIS/BPIS Am/Can Ch. Laureate Laredo, ROMC

"Dallas" produced 18 Champions and three ROMC offspring.  He was the sire of ASSA National Best of Breed winner BISS Am/Can Ch. Laureate Santana, ROMC.


Am/Can JCC Ch. Laureate Explorer, ROMC

"Cabot" was the sire of 11 Canadian, three U.S. and one JCC Champion before leaving for Japan.


Ch. Laureate Landslide, ROMC

"Drew" was the sire of 31 Canadian and eight American Champions.


ASSA BOB BISS Am/Can Ch. Laureate Santana, ROMC

"Tanner" was the sire of 20 Canadian Champions, two American.

Owned by Denise Cornelssen, Miqelon Shelties.


Ch. Laureate Just Imagine, ROMC

"Kendra" was the dam of seven Canadian Champions and three U.S. Champions.


Laureate Dream West, ROMC

"Morgan" was the dam of six Canadian and two U.S. Champions, including
Am/Can/JCC Ch. Laureate Explorer, ROMC and Am/Can Ch. Laureate Catalina (ASSA WB/BW).


Ch. Laureate's Texan At Nationview, ROMC

"Kix" was the sire of one U.S. and 11 Canadian Champions.

Owned by Susan Ling, Sushine Shelties.


BISS Am/Can Ch. Krystalyn Magical Moments, ROM

"Kelly" pictured with owner/breeder Yvonne DeFreitas.   We were co-owners of Kelly for four years while Yvonne took a sabbatical to raise her family.  We are proud to be co-breeders of three of Kelly's American Champions that contributed to her ROM title.


BIS/BISS/BPIS Am/Can Ch. Laureate City Angel, ROMC

"Lexi" was the is the dam of nine Canadian Champions, one American Champion and three ROMC titled offspring.

Owned by Karen and Robert Henley, Shelhaven Shelties.


Ch. Laureate Savanna White, ROMC

"Vanna" was the dam of eight Canadian Champions, two American. Pictured at 14 years of age

Owned by Karen and Robert Henley, Shelhaven Shelties.


BPIS Ch. Shelhaven Counterstrike, ROMC

"Striker" was the sire of 23 Canadian Champions, four American.  Co-bred by owners Karen and Bob Henley, Shelhaven Shelties.  He is a son of Ch. Laureate Savanna White, ROMC (above)


Am. Ch. Krystalyn Laureate Intuition, ROM

Cloe was the dam of six American Champions. 
Owned by Jennifer Moore (Con Brio), Linda Profenno (Legends) and Yvonne DeFreitas (Krystalyn)
Cloe's dam is BISS Am/Can Ch. Krystalyn Magical Moments, ROM pictured on this page.
Bred by Kim Aston, Peter Culumovic and Yvonne DeFreitas.

BISS Am/Can Ch. Laureate Gabrielle, ROMC

"Gabi" was the dam of five Canadian and three American Champions.

Laureate Tiramisu, ROMC

"Tira" was the dam of five Canadian and one American Champion. Tira is the fourth generation ROMC on the tail female line!  Her dam is City Angel, ROMC, who's dam is Gabrielle, ROMC, a daughter of
Just An Illusion, ROMC!

BPIS/BPISS Laureate Beloved ROM

"Bea" was the dam of five American and one Japanese Champion.  She is owned by Madeleine Griffin-Cone.

MBISS Am/Can Ch Laureate Jivara ROMC

"Cocoa" was the dam of five Canadian Champions and two American Champions

Ch Laureate Inception ROMC

"Finn" was the sire of ten Canadian and eight American Champions in his very short siring career

Am/Can Ch Laureate Immortality ROMC

"Rehannah" was the dam of five Canadian Champions, two American Ch's including ASSA Best of Breed

MBIS/MBISS Am/Can GCh Laureate Invincible ROM ROMC

"Vinnie" is the sire of 52 American Champions and 5 ROM's

ASSA Top Sire 2021

OFA 2020 Champion of Health Award

BISS Am/Can Ch Laureate Macadamia ROM/ROMC

"Mac" is the sire of 23 Canadian and 28 American Champion and 2 ROM's

MBPIS Am/Can Ch Laureate Red Red Wine ROM/ROMC

"Red" is the dam of 11 American Champions and 8 Canadian Champions and two ROM's

ASSA Top Producing Dam 2021


"JP" is the sire of 10 Canadian and 23 American Champion to date

Laureate Invaluable ROMC

Valerie is the dam of five Canadian and three American Champions and 2 ROM's.

MBISS Am/Can Ch Laureate Insignia AOM ROM

"Phelps" is the sire of 14  American Champions

Am/Can Ch Laureate Opus One AOM ROM/ROMC
Opus is the sire of 14 American and 12 Canadian Champions

Am/Can GCh Laureate Magnified AOM ROM/ROMC

Magnum is the sire of 25 American and 12 Canadian Champions

ASSA Top Sire 2023

Can Ch Velvetfog Laureate Solo Act ROM

Solo is the dam of 5 American Champions and two ASSA RWD winners and a ASSA Best in Futurity.

Can Ch Laureate Siena ROM ROMC

Siena is the dam of 5 Canadian and 5 American Champions, including an ASSA BOS winning daughter and an ASSA AOM winning daughter.


* ROM- Record of Merit: American Shetland Sheepdog Association award for a sire that produces ten American Champions or a dam that produces five American Champions

* ROMC- Register of Merit Canadian: Canadian Shetland Sheepdog Association award for a male that produces ten Canadian Champions or a female that produces five Canadian Champions.

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