
From the Standard:
The coat should be double, the outer coat
consisting of long, straight, harsh hair; the undercoat short,
furry, and so dense as to give the entire coat its "stand-off"
quality. The hair on face, tips of ears and feet should be smooth.
Maine and frill should be abundant, and particularly impressive in
males. The forelegs well feathered, the hind legs heavily so, but
smooth below the hock joint. Hair on tail profuse. NOTE: Excess hair
on ears, feet and hocks may be trimmed for the show ring. Colour
black, blue merle, and sable (ranging from golden through mahogany);
marked with varying amounts of white and/or tan. Faults: Coat Short
or flat, in whole or in part; wavy, curly, soft or silky. Lack of
undercoat. Smooth-coated specimens. Rustiness in a black or blue
coat. Washed out or degenerate colours, such as pale sable and faded
blue. Self-colour in the case of blue merle, that is, without any
merling or mottling and generally appearing as a faded or dilute
tricolour. Conspicuous white body spots. Specimens with more than 50
per cent white shall be so severely penalized as to effectively
eliminate them from competition.
EYES medium size with
dark, almond-shaped rims, set somewhat obliquely in skull. Colour
must be dark with blue or merle eyes permissible in blue merles
Sable can
range in tone from golden through to mahogany.
Genetically a "pure for sable" and carries two genes for sable
colour. Our sables generally darken as they age and become
more "shaded".
For an example of this, visit "Hannah's"
page for pictures of her from puppyhood into old age. |
Am Ch
Laureate Simply Simon (ASSA Best in Futurity, Reserve WD)
is the darker "mahogany" sable. This colour
genetically has one black gene (tri or bi) and one sable
gene. It is often
mistaken for a tri-colour which is pictured below.
"Lexus", our model is a bi-factored sable and incidentally
the dam of our bi-blue BISS Am/Can Ch. Laureate Louisiana. |
tri-colour is a black dog with tan points and
white...three distinct colours. The tan points are over
the eyes, on the cheeks on the legs and under the tail. |
A blue
merle is genetically a black dog with a dilution gene (merle
gene) which dilutes the black to various shades of grey with
splashes of black. The grey can range in tone from silver
to pewter. They have tan points and varying amounts of white.
The eye colour can be brown, merle or blue. |
(bi meaning two) is a blue merle without the tan points.
The eye colour can be brown, merle or blue. |
Ch. Laureate Louisiana (ASSA BOS/AOM)
is a black Sheltie with white markings. |
Ch Laureate Nocturnal
merle is a sable with a dilution or merling gene acting on the
sable coat. This dilutes the colour and they can have
darker and lighter shades of sable in the coat. Because of
the merling gene the eye colour can be blue, merle or brown.
Only brown eyed sable merles are shown since according to the
breed standard, blue eyes are permissible in blue merles only. |
Am/Can Ch. Laureate Santana, ROMC (ASSA Best of Breed)
Colour headed white (CHW) results from breeding two white factored dogs
together (or a CHW to a white factored Sheltie).
White factoring is often displayed by a white
stripe on the stifle or a very large white tail tip. The
head colour can be any of the colours above, the body is
mainly white with some random patches of the head
colour. A CHW
Sheltie cannot be shown in conformation shows as they
have over 50% white, thus "effectively eliminating them from
competition". They are normal in every way, and can
be shown in
performance events. "Diva", our
model is a tri colour headed white. |

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