Notable l Past l Present
These girls played a significant role in our success in the past. Many are in the pedigrees we are working with today.
Ch Laureate Lexus
Am/Can Ch. Laureate Search Party\
Ch Cahaba-Krystalyn Dream West
BISS Am/Can Ch. Legends Morning Afterglow
Am/Can Ch. Laureate Classy L'Image
BISS Am. Ch. Laureate Ice Goddess
Ch Laureate Meringue
Am/Can Ch. Laureate Beyond Illusion
Laureate Nuance
Ch Laureate Paray Per Se
Ch Laureate Lutèce
Laureate Longoria
BPIS Ch Laureate Embelish
Ch Laureate Valrhona
BPIS Ch Laureate Epitome
Ch Laureate Alinea
Ch Laureate Takesushi
BPIS/BPISS Ch Laureate Dominatrix
BISS Ch Laureate Shades Of Grey
Ch Laureate Iridescent
Ch Laureate Jennavive
Ch Laureate Christie Brinkley
Laureate Burlesque
Ch Laureate Valhallah
Ch Laureate Sun Salutation
Ch Laureate Reimagine
RBIS/BPIS Am/Can Ch Laureate Meiomi
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