Ch Laureate Siena ROM ROMC

Siena pictured at 5 years of age

"Siena" is one of three
Champions from the Vinnie x Diane breeding.
She was a favourite at the 2017 ASSA and placed 2nd in both
the Futurity
and regular classes.
In her first breeding to Opus One
she produced MBISS Am/Can Ch Laureate Overture AOM, Am Ch
Laureate Be Merry and Ch Laureate Reimagine.
Her second litter sired by
Am/Can Ch Laureate Magnified pruduced ASSA Runner-up to Best
in Futurity Can Ch Laureate Looking Glass.
Her third litter was a repeat to
Opus One and produced Am/Can Ch Laureate Ode To Joy and Ch
Laureate Operetta and Am Ch Laureate Solaia
Ch Laureate Inception ROMC |
Ch Laureate Invictus |
Ch Laureate Valrhona |
Am/Can GCh Laureate Invincible ROM/ROMC |
Am Ch Brandina Carmylie
Double Digit ROMC |
MBPIS/BPISS Am/Can Ch Laureate Immortality
BPIS Ch Laureate
Epitome |
Can Ch Laureate Siena ROMC ROMC |
Am GCh Paray's
Cambridge ROM |
BISS Am/Can Ch Solange
Valedictorian |
BISS Am GCh Solange
Significant |
MBPIS Can Ch Laureate
Determination |
Ch Laureate Inception ROMC |
Ch Laureate Christie Brinkley |
BISS Am/Can Ch Laureate Jivara